Sponsors play an important part in assisting the Parish with the various events we hold including the annual Greek Festival (Paniyiri) and Dinner Dance.  Your generous support also allows the Parish to continue to raise much needed funds that go towards the Parish’s building maintenance and upgrade program.  

The Parish would also like to particularly thank all volunteers and sponsors for their support and generous contributions to the success of the annual Paniyiri held in February 2023.

If you would like to volunteer or become a sponsor, please email us at; info@stharalambos.org.au, alternatively, you can contact our Parish President Mr Nick Xerakias on 0410417173

Become a community sponsor

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.

2023 Saint Haralambos Paniyiri Sponsors

JOANNIDES FUNERALS https://www.joannidesfunerals.com.au/

BARBAYANNIS LAWYERS https://www.barbayannislaw.com.au/

PITLIANGAS FOOD GROUP https://tpfg.com.au/

CITY AUTO GROUP https://www.cityautogroup.com.au/

ANISTON LAWYERS https://anistonlawyers.leapweb.com.au/

BUILT PLUS https://www.builtplus.com.au/

JUGGERNAUT ENTERTAINMENT http://www.greeksingers.com.au/

CHILL AUTO AIR https://www.chillautoair.com.au/

DANCE POWER https://www.dancepower.net.au/

MELISSA CAKES https://www.melissacakes.com.au/

BLUE PEARL PROPERTY GROUP https://www.bluepearlpropertygroup.com/

ANDREW PANDELI AND CO SOLICITORS https://pandeli.net.au/

OLIVE AND THYME CATERING https://oliveandthymecatering.com.au/

HELLENICO DELI https://www.instagram.com/hellenico_deli_balwyn/

FITZROY MILLS MARKET https://www.thefitzroymills.com/

BURNWOOD BBQ’s http://www.burnwoodbbqs.com/